the coming year? The address is a new new one one as I graduate from college this June. Once I secure a job I will try to send you somewhat more substantial amounts!

"I would like to congratulate all of you on the amazing advancement and growth of your magazine during the past few months."

V.A., Yonkers, N.Y.

"This publication is certainly a step in the right direction. For a summing up of the Sapphic situation, I give you the words of Augustine de Villeblanche:

"Of all the quirks of nature, that which has caused the most discussion, which has seemed the most strange to those demi-philosophers who wish to analyze everything without ever understanding anything, it is that bizarre taste that women of a certain physique or of a certain temperament have conceived for persons of their own sex. Although long before the immortal Sappho and ever since, there has not been a single country in the world, not one solitary town which has not offered us women of this caprice, although fter proofs of such strength it would seem more reasonable to ocuse nature of vagary than such women of a crime against natur, nevertheless we have never ceased to blame them. hat is there to fear from such depravity' ... In the eyes of every truly wise being, it would pear that it might prevent greater ones, but no one will ever prove to me that it might give rise to dangerous ones. Ah, merciful heavens, are they afraid that the whims of these individuals of whatever sex will bring the world to an end, that they will ke a bid for our precious human species, and that their alleged crime will destroy it for failin to tten to its multiplications? Let any28